About Oak and Co Condos
Project Details: Oak and Co Condos in Oakville
Oak & Co offers incredible value for investors looking to get into the emerging Oakville condo market. Oak & Co is located right in the heart of the new “uptown Oakville” and is right on a transit hub, which is particularly attractive for investors. It’s also a great development for first-time homeowners looking to get into Oakville’s market without paying the prices that typically come with the area.
On a price per square foot basis, many of these units work out very attractively and are easily cash-flow positive in today’s market. Most developments can’t have the same said about them.
Cortel as a developer is typically known for high-end builds, and hitting their deadlines. As always, invest in a builder before a building, and location is key. In my opinion, Oak & Co is one of the GTA’s best investments if you’re looking to get into the market at sub-downtown pricing but want the same safety & appreciation as the core will deliver.
Deposit Structure
$5,000 on Signing
Balance to 5% in 30 Days
5% in 120 Days
10% on Occupancy
Facts and Features
- Eateries
- The Keg
- Tim Hortons
- Halibut House
- Spoon & Fork
- Pipes & Taps
- Pizza Hut
- Sunset Grill
- Dairy Queen

Walk around the neighbourhood
Note : The exact location of the project may vary from the street view shown here
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