About Park Place Condos
Project Details: Park Place Condos in Ontario-pre-construction-sales-and-assignment-sale
Park Place Condos is a new condo development by SmartCentres currently in preconstruction at 3320 Highway 7, Vaughan. Available units start from high $600,000.
Park Place is the newest addition of SmartVMC by SmartCentres. This next phase of the 100-acre master planned community in the centre of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre. Park Place is situated on 1.7 acres of land and it will consist of two towers of 48 and 56 storeys tall. The two towers will be connected by a three-level podium. The beautiful towers will overlook the future 9-ace central park
From its sculpted, curvy exterior to its exquisitelycrafted interiors, Park Place offers elevatedmodern design and quiet luxury. Superiorquality materials and craftsmanship marriedwith artistic flare creates the ultimate livingexperience.Architectural firm Hariri Pontarini has designedthe two towers and their podium base to beeye-catchingly different from the norm forcondos, sculpting each tower by usingdistinctive terra cotta ‘fins” that create a steppedsilhouette. Around the generous windows,fritted glass gradients create white stripepatterns, which are repeated in the towerpodium façade in horizontal gradiated louvres.
Heart of the SmartVMC (Vaughan Metropolitan Centre) master planned community
Fitness area with yoga and wellness spaces; a cycle lab; a lounge and games room; and a large outdoor terrace
Transit-oriented, pedestrian-friendly development
Minutes to TTC’s Vaughan Metropolitan Centre subway station
Close to Vaughan Mills Shopping Centre
Close to Big-box stores such as Home Depot, Costco, PetSmart, and Cineplex.
Close to York University
Deposit Structure
Standard Deposite structure - 20%
- $10,000 with Offer
- Balance to 5% in 30 Days
- 5% in 120 Days
- 5% in 400 Days
- 5% in 620 Days
International Deposit Structure - 35%
- $10,000 with Offer
- Balance to 10% in 30 Days
- 10% in 120 Days
- 10% in 400 Days
- 5% in 620 Days
Facts and Features
- Cycle Lab
- Yoga Space
- Games Room
- Lounge
- Terrace

Walk Score for Park Place Condos

Walk around the neighbourhood
Note : The exact location of the project may vary from the street view shown here
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